Mark Zheleznyak

Mark Zheleznyak

My research activities have started from the research in Computational Hydrology during the preparation of my Diploma of Engineer Hydrologist. However in my PhD studies I have turned to the model development for coastal areas hydrodynamics. I developed the non – hydrostatic long wave model of wave transformation in coastal areas, which was well known as “Zheleznyak-Pelinovsky equations” in the Soviet tsunami research community. Also I studied the bottom turbulence boundary layer under the waves by the modelling tools. Next sharp turn in my researches has happen 5 May 1986 when my background in hydrological, hydraulic and fluid mechanics modelling has been required by the Task Force Unit created at the Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian Soviet Republic for the assessment of the environmental consequences of the Chernobyl accident 26.04.1986. Guided by me hydrological team in this Unit was transformed at the end of 1986 into the Department of Environmental Modeling of Institute of Mathematical Machine and Systems. As a Head of this Department I have been responsible for the development of the set of the models which created the basis of the national decision support system for prediction 137Cs and 90 Sr transport in the rivers impacted by the Chernobyl accident and for the justification of the water protection measures . The developed by my team models have been implemented since beginning of 90th into the EC funded real-time online decision support system for nuclear emergency – RODOS. The further improvements and extensions of RODOS have been provided last decade within the EC RTD projects, The RODOS system is used in Crisis Centers of many countries. The models were tested within the set of IAEA CRP Programs: VAMP ( I was a chairmen of River/Reservoir Group), BIOMOVS, EMRAS, MODARIA. In 2013 I met a new challenge – the ability to implement my Chernobyl experience for the modelling of radionuclide transport in watersheds, rivers and reservoirs contaminated after the Fukushima Daiichi accident. I have started the work in IER in November 2013. We developed and customized for the Fukushima conditions a set of the watershed and river/ reservoir / coastal areas models with the support from my former Kiev team ( the key role was played by Dr Sergey Kivva) using the data collected by the hydrological team of IER

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